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Flyers confused about carbon offsetting

Friday 22 Aug 2008 10:07am

Its a buzzword at the moment, but many flyers and holiday-makers don't understand Carbon Offsetting. In a report from Expedia which included 2000 adults, only 35% of those asked understood what the term meant and there was also much confusion over how people could carbon offset and how much it would cost them. Carbon Offsetting is the reduction of greenhouse gases (e. g. carbon dioxide) which builds up as a result of flying, driving a car etc. For example, for a family flying a return from the UK to Barbados would generate just over 11. 25 tonnes of carbon dioxide. To offset those emmissions, the family would have to pay £84. 96. This money would be used to install energy efficient schemes or renewable energy schemes such as wind farms or tree-planting which would take the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. The report also highlighted that people think that offsetting a flight could cost as much as £500 - so almost through ignorance, they choose not to. In reality, a flight to New York could be offset with just £10. The perception of climate change and what some say about man damaging his planet, almost 30% of those asked said they had no plans whatsoever to offset their carbon footprint, and another 25% were unsure what they would do. Almost 90% of those asked felt that the government wasn't doing enough to raise awareness of carbon offsetting, or even that it wasn't doing a good job about how to cut carbon emissions.

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