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Mini-Guide To New Zealand New Zealand

New Zealand is a top tourist destination. Its stunning landscape and rich culture are not to be missed. This country thrives on its tourist industry and is big enough to accommodate everyone without feeling as if it is just one big tourist attraction. Consisting of the north and south island, this country has some stunning scenery to experience; it can truly take your breath away. Also, this country is a great place to experience a big welcome, try some new activities, shopping in some unique cities, or simply unwind and relax out in the countryside.

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The climate in New Zealand is reasonably temperate, which makes it suitable as a year-round destination. Still, most people find the climate is best between November and February. There are some stunning glaciers in New Zealand, with the Fox and Franz Josef being two of the most famous. These natural wonders are incredible to witness and are an important spot for any visitor to make for. There are many other reasons to visit the country. For instance, there are some excellent wineries; when in the country, why not stop to see how wines are made, as well as having a sample or two. You could also go to a Maori heritage feature, of which there are many in the ‘Land of the Long White Cloud’. The culture of this world is invigorating and truly special. There are also a number of spas for those who are looking to recharge. Priding itself on its friendliness, this is a country where you will find that people will stop and chat and are proud to show off their beautiful country. This country’s people make it a special place to visit. With its very clean air, dramatic scenery and great people, this is a country which will live in your hearts for a long time. Many airlines serve New Zealand, with Air New Zealand, BA and Cathay Pacific all flying into the area.