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Mini-Guide To Norway Norway

Norway is the most western of the three Scandinavian countries, located west of Sweden. Rated the most peaceful country in the world, Norway is famed for its breathtaking fjords and landscape.

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Getting around in Norway is largely through domestic flights, as the craggy coastline makes trains and roads slow. In the northern parts of the country, the distance between towns and cities makes flight almost obligatory for travel, although the flights are cheaper in southern Norway. The train line connects major cities as far north as Bodø, but due to the fjords, costal connects are almost non-existent. And, outside of lines between Oslo and the airport, the service is relatively slow. Car ferries play a large part in the crossing of the country, as well as an extensive bus system. Norwegian is spoken through the country, but Danish and Swedish are generally understood, as they are very similar languages. Most Norwegian’s know how to speak English, and the majority of them are fluent. Tourists who go to Norway often find themselves enjoying the expansive hiking opportunities – with the right to access implemented across the country – as well as various winter sports, which in some areas can compete with the Alps. The national currency is the Norwegian crown, or the Norske Krone. Unfortunately, Norway is rather expensive to stay in, particularly taking into account travel expenses.